
10800 Academy Dr, Fredericksburg, VA 22408 Tel : +1 540-898-0020


Employment Opportunities

Fredericksburg Academy’s faculty and staff is a diverse group of professionals united in purpose to inspire the next generation of dreamers, doers, and difference-makers.

Careers at FA are more than jobs, they are passions. Ideal candidates for any position will share our commitment to developing students who will go on to lead, serve, and shape the world around them.

We are always interested in attracting new and dynamic FAmily members and would love to hear what it is you do best. Currently open positions are listed below. Thank you for your interest in joining our FAmily! 

Faculty & Staff Openings

Click on any of the links below to learn more about faculty or staff employment opportunities currently available at Fredericksburg Academy.

To Apply For Employment

To apply for a faculty, staff, or administrative position, please submit a resume and a cover letter indicating teaching subject area and grade-level preferences by one of the following methods:

You may also include letters of recommendation, college transcripts, and a personal statement, but these items are not required. Please be advised that all faculty and administrative candidates will be asked to provide a college transcript during the interview process if one is not submitted with the cover letter and resume.

Non-Discrimination Policy: There shall be no discrimination by the School in the selection of the Board of Trustees, the employment of personnel, in the admission of students, or in the administration of the School programming because of race, color, religion, national origin, sex, age, sexual orientation, or handicapped status in violation of existing state or federal law or regulations.

The following person has been designated to handle inquiries regarding the Academy’s non-discrimination policies, including its Title IX policy: 

For assistance related to Title IX or other civil rights laws, please contact OCR at [email protected] or 800-421-3481, TDD 800-877-8339.